Updated 7/1/19
The organization shall be known as the Illinois Dance Officials Association. The organization may also be referred to as the IDOA.
The purpose of the Illinois Dance Officials Association will be to provide education and support to all competitive dance officials. The goal of this association is to advance the general betterment of dance officials and officiating through the clarification and interpretation of rules for competitive dance events, as well as the training of dance officials for specialized work; technical or panel. The IDOA will work in cooperation with the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and their mission to enrich the educational experience for student athletes.
Section 1
Overall management of the Illinois Dance Officials Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will include a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Education Coordinator.
The President will serve a two year term to promote continuity for the organization. The remaining elected officials will serve a one year term.
Responsibilities are as follows:
The President will be responsible for sending information to our membership including training opportunities, job openings and all other correspondence as needed. The president/vice president shall be responsible for the IDOA website, IDOA Facebook page and any other social media outlets.
The Vice President will be responsible organizing and setting up the IDOA mentoring program. The Vice President will create a timeline with weekly and monthly activities to grow our new officials. In addition, the Vice President will help with the President’s responsibilities.
The Secretary will be responsible for taking the minutes at each association meeting. In addition, the secretary will manage and update the membership list throughout the season. The secretary will also help contribute to social media throughout the season.
The Treasurer will be responsible for collecting dues, updating the membership list when members have paid, keep current records of checks and balances each month and sharing current budget at each association meeting.
The Education Coordinator will be responsible for sending dance videos as an educational tool as well as providing training opportunities for our membership throughout the year.
The IHSA Dance Head Clinician will be responsible for providing up to date clarifications and rationales for yearly NFHS rule changes as well as advise our members on IHSA rubrric verbiage.
The Board of Directors will work as a team throughout the season and assist other board members with their responsibilities when needed.
Section 2
Only elected Board of Director officers are permitted to vote on business that comes before the board.
Section 3
Applications for the Board of Directors open seats will be sent out during the month of May. All applications for elected Board positions will need to be in writing as well as a short bio on experience and rationale for board position. Voting for the Board of Directors will be open during the first two weeks of June.
Section 4
In order to be considered for a board position,applicants must be an active IHSA licensed dance official in the current competitive season. IDOA Board Members may belong to other associations but may not hold a leadership position in another dance association.
Section 5
The Board of Directors will be voted into office the first two weeks of June and will take their positions July 1st.
Section 6
The Board of Directors shall ensure that the Illinois Dance Officials Association maintains a current registration with the Office of the Secretary of State of Illinois as a General Not for Profit Organization.
Section 7
The Board of Directors shall approve the initiation fees each season.
Section 1
Only persons nominated per Article V, Section 1 may be placed on the ballot and voted upon for the purpose of holding office in the Association.
Section 2
No person shall be nominated for more than one office.
Section 3
The Board of Directors shall be elected by ballot. Each active member shall be entitled to vote.
Section 4
Members are not permitted to cast either multiple or fractional votes.
Section 5
Members may vote online through a secure link.
Section 1
To be considered an Illinois Dance Official Association active member, you must meet the following requirements:
Section 2
Illinois Dance Official Association members are defined as Independent Contractors. Members shall not be considered as employees of IDOA.
Section 3
IDOA will not be responsible for employment tax withholding, unemployment insurance, social security taxes, workers’ compensation or similar employee-like benefits.
Section 4
All members shall abide by this Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall approve the initiation fees. The 2018-2019 initiation fee will be FREE due to monies in account from former association.
Section 2
Dues will be paid once per season. A thirty day grace period shall be allowed from date of membership application for past dues before a member is no longer considered in good standings.
Section 1
Resignation of Illinois Dance Officials Association membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary.
Section 2
A member may be offered a written warning or suspended by vote of the Board of Directors for violation of any of the requirements specified in Article VII, Section 3. A written warning may be offered for first-time or more minor offenses, and will remain on file with the Secretary for one year. Suspension will be defined as deprivation of all active membership privileges including membership meetings and training opportunities.
Section 3
Written warnings or suspension may result from any of the following events:
Section 1
Robert's Rules of Order shall be used to govern the conduct of all Association meetings and business.
Section 2
A quorum shall consist of more than 50% (3 officers) for all business that comes before the Board of Directors.
Section 3
Regular meetings, including the annual meetings, shall be held on dates designated by the Board of Directors and communicated to the general membership prior to the date of the event. In person and conference calls will be utilized throughout the season. In addition, the IDOA may utilize other training tools such as Zoom.
Section 1
Each year the Illinois Dance Officials Association will send at least one representative to the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Summer Conference. The representative must provide the Treasurer with an itemized statement. Hotel room will be covered by the association upon receipt of payment. The representative(s) will be required to report on information from the delegates meeting to the President. The Board of Directors will then share with the membership.
Section 2
Mileage will be reimbursed at $0.30 a mile over 70 miles.
Section 1
Proposed amendments to the IDOA Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by the annual Spring meeting. Proposed amendments will be accepted from February to April. The Board of Directors are responsible for notifying the general membership of the proposed amendment.
Proposed amendments must include all of the following:
No by-law proposals will be accepted from anonymous sources. After the Spring meeting, the Board of Directors will meet to discuss the proposals and vote to whether or not consider the proposed amendment. A simple majority vote by the Board of Directors is needed to bring a proposed amendment to the general membership for a vote.
Section 2
A listing of Board of Director approved amendments will accompany the Board of Directors election ballots to the general membership in June. A copy of the existing constitution will be presented to the membership.
Section 3
The proposed amendment will be adopted if it is approved by a two-thirds vote by the general membership. Passed amendments will be announced along with the election of the annual Board of Directors.
Section 4
Adopted amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws become part of the Illinois Dance Officials Association Constitution and By-Laws as of July 1st.
Section 1
The Illinois Dance Officials Association will offer a Year 1 and Year 2 mentoring program. Proteges’ will be matched with an appropriate mentor for the season.
Section 2
It is strongly recommended that a first year IHSA dance official seeks the opportunity to be part of the IDOA mentoring program.
Section 3
The ISOA Mentoring Program will offer a variety of opportunities including shadowing, observations, scoring training and spirit rule clarifications. This is not an all-inclusive list and will be based on individuals needs. There is no charge for the mentoring program, however, payment of membership dues must be current in order to participate.
Section 1
All proposed trainings must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the training date.
Section 2
The Illinois Dance Officials Association will be responsible for compensation of the trainer at $50 an hour at an invitational or conference training events. Compensation will not exceed 4 hours. Trainers need to complete the IDOA Training Compensation form after the training for payment. Hotel will not be provided for invitational or conference training events.
Section 3
The Illinois Dance Officials Association will be responsible for compensation of a trainer at the IHSA Dance State Finals at a rate of $75 an hour. Compensation will not exceed 5 hours. Trainers need to complete the IDOA Training Compensation form after the training for payment. Hotel will be provided for State Final training.
Section 4
Mileage will be reimbursed to the trainer(s) at a rate of $0.30 a mile over 70 miles for all trainings provided by the IDOA including but not limited to invitationals, conferences and State Finals. Trainers will need to complete the IDOA Mileage Compensation form after the training for payment.
Section 5
Materials for trainings will be reimbursed up to $25. Trainers need to submit copies of receipts to the Treasurer after the training for payment.
The organization shall be known as the Illinois Dance Officials Association. The organization may also be referred to as the IDOA.
The purpose of the Illinois Dance Officials Association will be to provide education and support to all competitive dance officials. The goal of this association is to advance the general betterment of dance officials and officiating through the clarification and interpretation of rules for competitive dance events, as well as the training of dance officials for specialized work; technical or panel. The IDOA will work in cooperation with the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and their mission to enrich the educational experience for student athletes.
Section 1
Overall management of the Illinois Dance Officials Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will include a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Education Coordinator.
The President will serve a two year term to promote continuity for the organization. The remaining elected officials will serve a one year term.
Responsibilities are as follows:
The President will be responsible for sending information to our membership including training opportunities, job openings and all other correspondence as needed. The president/vice president shall be responsible for the IDOA website, IDOA Facebook page and any other social media outlets.
The Vice President will be responsible organizing and setting up the IDOA mentoring program. The Vice President will create a timeline with weekly and monthly activities to grow our new officials. In addition, the Vice President will help with the President’s responsibilities.
The Secretary will be responsible for taking the minutes at each association meeting. In addition, the secretary will manage and update the membership list throughout the season. The secretary will also help contribute to social media throughout the season.
The Treasurer will be responsible for collecting dues, updating the membership list when members have paid, keep current records of checks and balances each month and sharing current budget at each association meeting.
The Education Coordinator will be responsible for sending dance videos as an educational tool as well as providing training opportunities for our membership throughout the year.
The IHSA Dance Head Clinician will be responsible for providing up to date clarifications and rationales for yearly NFHS rule changes as well as advise our members on IHSA rubrric verbiage.
The Board of Directors will work as a team throughout the season and assist other board members with their responsibilities when needed.
Section 2
Only elected Board of Director officers are permitted to vote on business that comes before the board.
Section 3
Applications for the Board of Directors open seats will be sent out during the month of May. All applications for elected Board positions will need to be in writing as well as a short bio on experience and rationale for board position. Voting for the Board of Directors will be open during the first two weeks of June.
Section 4
In order to be considered for a board position,applicants must be an active IHSA licensed dance official in the current competitive season. IDOA Board Members may belong to other associations but may not hold a leadership position in another dance association.
Section 5
The Board of Directors will be voted into office the first two weeks of June and will take their positions July 1st.
Section 6
The Board of Directors shall ensure that the Illinois Dance Officials Association maintains a current registration with the Office of the Secretary of State of Illinois as a General Not for Profit Organization.
Section 7
The Board of Directors shall approve the initiation fees each season.
Section 1
Only persons nominated per Article V, Section 1 may be placed on the ballot and voted upon for the purpose of holding office in the Association.
Section 2
No person shall be nominated for more than one office.
Section 3
The Board of Directors shall be elected by ballot. Each active member shall be entitled to vote.
Section 4
Members are not permitted to cast either multiple or fractional votes.
Section 5
Members may vote online through a secure link.
Section 1
To be considered an Illinois Dance Official Association active member, you must meet the following requirements:
- Complete the IDOA membership application
- Must be a licensed or actively seeking licensing with the IHSA (Illinois High School Association) in the sport of Competitive Dance
- Must pay initiation fees up to date
Section 2
Illinois Dance Official Association members are defined as Independent Contractors. Members shall not be considered as employees of IDOA.
Section 3
IDOA will not be responsible for employment tax withholding, unemployment insurance, social security taxes, workers’ compensation or similar employee-like benefits.
Section 4
All members shall abide by this Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall approve the initiation fees. The 2018-2019 initiation fee will be FREE due to monies in account from former association.
Section 2
Dues will be paid once per season. A thirty day grace period shall be allowed from date of membership application for past dues before a member is no longer considered in good standings.
Section 1
Resignation of Illinois Dance Officials Association membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary.
Section 2
A member may be offered a written warning or suspended by vote of the Board of Directors for violation of any of the requirements specified in Article VII, Section 3. A written warning may be offered for first-time or more minor offenses, and will remain on file with the Secretary for one year. Suspension will be defined as deprivation of all active membership privileges including membership meetings and training opportunities.
Section 3
Written warnings or suspension may result from any of the following events:
- Non-payment of dues
- Failure to fulfill the membership requirements specified in Article V
- Conduct unbecoming of an IDOA member
- Behavior inconsistent with IHSA Mission Statement and Beliefs
- Flagrant neglect of IHSA conflict-of interest standards
Section 1
Robert's Rules of Order shall be used to govern the conduct of all Association meetings and business.
Section 2
A quorum shall consist of more than 50% (3 officers) for all business that comes before the Board of Directors.
Section 3
Regular meetings, including the annual meetings, shall be held on dates designated by the Board of Directors and communicated to the general membership prior to the date of the event. In person and conference calls will be utilized throughout the season. In addition, the IDOA may utilize other training tools such as Zoom.
Section 1
Each year the Illinois Dance Officials Association will send at least one representative to the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Summer Conference. The representative must provide the Treasurer with an itemized statement. Hotel room will be covered by the association upon receipt of payment. The representative(s) will be required to report on information from the delegates meeting to the President. The Board of Directors will then share with the membership.
Section 2
Mileage will be reimbursed at $0.30 a mile over 70 miles.
Section 1
Proposed amendments to the IDOA Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by the annual Spring meeting. Proposed amendments will be accepted from February to April. The Board of Directors are responsible for notifying the general membership of the proposed amendment.
Proposed amendments must include all of the following:
- The submitter name(s)
- Cite the original by-law
- The proposed change worded exactly as if change is accepted
- The rationale for said proposal
No by-law proposals will be accepted from anonymous sources. After the Spring meeting, the Board of Directors will meet to discuss the proposals and vote to whether or not consider the proposed amendment. A simple majority vote by the Board of Directors is needed to bring a proposed amendment to the general membership for a vote.
Section 2
A listing of Board of Director approved amendments will accompany the Board of Directors election ballots to the general membership in June. A copy of the existing constitution will be presented to the membership.
Section 3
The proposed amendment will be adopted if it is approved by a two-thirds vote by the general membership. Passed amendments will be announced along with the election of the annual Board of Directors.
Section 4
Adopted amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws become part of the Illinois Dance Officials Association Constitution and By-Laws as of July 1st.
Section 1
The Illinois Dance Officials Association will offer a Year 1 and Year 2 mentoring program. Proteges’ will be matched with an appropriate mentor for the season.
Section 2
It is strongly recommended that a first year IHSA dance official seeks the opportunity to be part of the IDOA mentoring program.
Section 3
The ISOA Mentoring Program will offer a variety of opportunities including shadowing, observations, scoring training and spirit rule clarifications. This is not an all-inclusive list and will be based on individuals needs. There is no charge for the mentoring program, however, payment of membership dues must be current in order to participate.
Section 1
All proposed trainings must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the training date.
Section 2
The Illinois Dance Officials Association will be responsible for compensation of the trainer at $50 an hour at an invitational or conference training events. Compensation will not exceed 4 hours. Trainers need to complete the IDOA Training Compensation form after the training for payment. Hotel will not be provided for invitational or conference training events.
Section 3
The Illinois Dance Officials Association will be responsible for compensation of a trainer at the IHSA Dance State Finals at a rate of $75 an hour. Compensation will not exceed 5 hours. Trainers need to complete the IDOA Training Compensation form after the training for payment. Hotel will be provided for State Final training.
Section 4
Mileage will be reimbursed to the trainer(s) at a rate of $0.30 a mile over 70 miles for all trainings provided by the IDOA including but not limited to invitationals, conferences and State Finals. Trainers will need to complete the IDOA Mileage Compensation form after the training for payment.
Section 5
Materials for trainings will be reimbursed up to $25. Trainers need to submit copies of receipts to the Treasurer after the training for payment.